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Fruit Filled Snack-O-Lanterns
- Canned or fresh fruit salad or fresh fruit (cut into bite size pieces)
- Instructions:
- To make one of the lanterns, use a knife to slice off the top of the navel orange and cut it out like you would when carving a pumpkin.
- Scoop out the orange segments, chop them and mix them with the fruit to put inside the pumpkin. I have a hard time doing this. Normally it turns into mush, so I would suggest making orange juice out of it if you want to save it.
- Carve out a jack o’ lantern face on one side of the orange.
- Fill the lantern with fresh fruit or fruit salad. I find fresh fruit to be the easiest for little ones to eat and the juice from fruit salad can seep out the face. I normally leave the lid off.
To watch a how to video:
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